Freesoft 1998 April
Disk, files util
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******** Quick Route Help Guide ********
1) Installation
2) Uninstallation
3) The Basics of Quick Route
4) Command Options Window
5) User-Made Commands window
6) Making Commands
i) The New Command window
ii) Search Options
7) File Associations
8) Directory and Web Page shortcuts
1. Installation
To install Quick Route double click the file "setup.exe". In the
setup window click the "Install Quick Route" button. This will bring up
a window asking where you would like Quick Route to be installed to.
Next, you can type in a directory e.g. "c:\mydirectory", or you can
browse your hard drive to find the directory you want. It does not
matter whether the directory you select exists or not, the setup
program will create the new directory if necessary.
When browsing through directories, to select a directory to install to
click the "Select" button or press enter key in the text window.
2. Uninstallation
To uninstall Quick Route, go back to the setup program and then click
"Uninstall Quick Route" and all the Quick Route files will be removed.
3. The Basics of Quick Route
To operate Quick Route is simple. In the text window of Quick Route,
type your command name and press enter key. This will load your desired
file. To open directories, type "dir" then type a directory path or
a directory shortcut name (if applicable), to open the directory.
To open web pages and web sites type "web" then type your web shortcut
By clicking on the "Command Options" button, it allows you look at
lists of pre-set Quick Route commands and user-made commands.
The "command options" window gives you the option to make new commands
and delete existing ones. (For further details about creating new
commands go to chapter 5) The "command options" also gives you the
option to edit file associations, directory and web page shortcuts.
(For further details about shortcuts go to chapter 8)
(You can retrive the last command you entered in Quick Route by
pressing up arrow key)
4. Command Options window
There are several different options in this window:
Close button: Exits the Command Options window.
Error Solving button: If there is a problem or error in a user-made command
then Quick Route will detect it and the "Error Solving" button will be
shown. This button helps to fix the problem with the command.
Pre-set Commands list: You can use these commands in Quick Route like
user-made commands but you cannot alter them. If you double-click one
of the commands it will show you what it does.
Custom Commands list: These are commands defined by the user. They can be
altered by double-clicking on a command. This will bring up a menu of
options including, "change path", "rename command", "delete command"
and "password protection". It also shows you the path of the command
e.g. "c:\paint.exe".
(Commands Menu)
New Command: Creates a command defined by the user.
Delete Command: This deletes the command selected in the "Custom
Commands" window. If no command has been selected then you must click
on the command, you want to select in the "custom commands window" and
then click "delete command" to delete it.
(Editors Menu)
Edit File Associations: This opens the File Associations editor. (For
more information on file association see chapter 7)
Edit Directory Shortcuts: This opens the Directory Shortcuts editor.
(For more information on directory shortcuts see chapter 8)
Edit Web Page Shortcuts: This opens the Web Page Shortcuts editor.
(For more information on web page shortcuts see chapter 8)
(Shortcuts Menu)
Add a directory shortcut: Creates a directory shortcut. (See chapter 8
for more information)
Add a web page shortcut: Creates a web page shortcut. (See chapter 8
for more information)
5. User-made command window
There are seven different options in this window:
Path window: This shows you the command path of the program used to execute
the user-made command.
Close button: Exits the User-made command window.
Delete Command button: This deletes the command being shown in this window.
Rename command button: This enables you to rename the command. To save the
new name press enter key in the text window or click on the "save"
Change Path button: This enables you to change the command path of the
command. (See chapter 5 about selecting a command path.)
Password Protection button:
Quick Route contains a good password system. To enable a
password click the "Password Protection" button. In the Password
Protection window click on the "No Password" button. This button should
then say "Password Protected". Then go to the text window and type your password. Finally, click "Save & Exit" and the password
will be enabled.
When the password is enabled, the password is always required
when executing the command in Quick Route and deleting the command.
It is also required to unlock the password to gain access to changing
path of and to rename the command.
To get rid of password protection, click the "Password
Protection" button. Then enter your password. Then in the Password
Protection window click the "Password Protected" button, this button
should then say "No Password" and finally click "Save & Exit".
Lock/Unlock Password button:
This button is only shown when password protection is active.
If a command is password protected, the button will always say
"Unlock Password".
When the command is locked by a password, you cannot use the
"rename command" and "change path" options. To unlock the password,
so as to gain access to the "rename command" and "change path" options,
you need to click the "Unlock Command" button. Type your password and
the password will unlock. If you want to lock the password just click
"Lock Password".
6. Making Commands
i) The New Command window
There are four different things in this window:
Command name text window: This is the text window where you name your
Password Controlled Check box: If this box is checked then the command
will be password protected. You will need to supply a password in the
password text window.
Cancel: This cancels the new command.
OK: This button closes this window and enables you to start searching
for the command path. If you press enter key in the Command name text
window it will perform the same action.
ii) Search Options
There are three types of searches:
Automatic search:
In this search, you must enter the type of file or a specific
file that you are looking for and type it into the search criteria.
Next, select which directory you wish this search to be performed in.
Then either press enter key in the text window or click the "Start
Search" button to start the search.
If files have been found with your specification then they
should appear on the list of files. Double click the file you want to
select and the command will save and exit the search.
You can stop a search even midway through. To start the search again
click the "Reset" button.
Manual search:
In this search you browse through directories to find to the
file(s) you want. When you find the specified file, double-click it,
then click the "save" button to save the command.
Using the manual search you can look for any file or just
executable program files by clicking on the combo selection box.
Type path and filename method:
In this search all you need to do is type the path and filename
of your specified file in the text window. Then either press enter key
in the text window or click on the "save" button to save the command.
This method is the fastest method and is recommended to people who
know exactly where their file(s) are.
7) File Associations
When you select a non-executable file to use in one of your commands
Quick Route looks for the file extension of the file on its database.
If the file extension is found, the program associated with the file
will open the selected non-executable file.
If the file extension is not found then Quick Route will ask you to
associate the file extension with a program and then save the extension
name in the database.
File Associations Editor: This allows you to edit the file extensions
database. On the left hand side of the window are where the extension
names are kept. On the right side of the window are where the programs
(to load the file extensions on the left side) are kept. You can
change, delete and create new lines of file extensions.
To save the database click the "Save" button.
8) Directory and Web Page shortcuts
When you type either "dir" or "web" to open a web page or directory
instead of typing the full path you can type a short alias name instead.
E.g. "dir mydir" instead of "dir c:\documents\mydocs\mydirectory"
Using the "web" command you cannot type the full path of the page. You
must use a web page shortcut.
Adding a directory shortcut: When adding a shortcut you must enter the
shortcut name and the directory name and path (e.g. c:\mydir).
You can use the "browse" button to look for the directory you want to
select. In browse, to select a directory you must double click the
directory you want to select and then click the "Select" button.
To save the shortcut to the database click the "Add Shortcut" button.
Adding a web page shortcut: When adding a shortcut you must enter the
shortcut name and the URL (web page) address of the web page you want
to open (e.g. http://www.myweb.com).
To save the shortcut to the database click the "Add Shortcut" button.
The directory and web page shortcut editors:
This allows you to edit the web and directory shortcut databases.
On the left hand side of the window are where the shortcut names are
On the right side of the window are where the full directory paths
(For the directory shortcut database) or the web page address (For the
web page shortcut database) are kept.
You can change, delete and create new lines of shortcuts, entering the
shortcut name on the left and the directory path or web page address on
the right.
To save the database click the "Save" button.